Broken Puppe

Broken Puppe

Don't Label Me!!!

art (23) bands (3) Berlin (10) black and white (18) concerts (3) death (7) decay (6) edwardian (2) fashion (8) filters (2) Flickr (6) head shots (8) Japan (1) lambretta (1) life (14) London (3) memento mori (11) music (1) opinions (1) photography (27) promo (4) rally (1) scooter (1) series (15) spirituality (8) travel (5) vespa (1) video (1) work (7)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lost in Translation

Added today (why today and not 2 years ago...  do not ask) in the right hand column of my blog is an option that allows you to translate my page into what every language you prefer.

Please do not hold me responsible for the creative translations performed by Google.  ;)

Berlin Christmas Market

Christmas Voodoo is happening again this year at the same location...  Urban Spree on Warschauer Straße @ Revealer Straße in Friedrichshain.

BLITZ & shadow Photography will be there, along side VINTAGE VAMP from 11:00 to 19:00 on Saturday, December 7th.

Looking forward to meeting you there for some fun and unique Christmas gift ideas!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

CV Added

BLITZ & shadow Photography has finally added a page to view the CV of Daevina Danyluck.  Although lost in a vortex of costuming for the Vancouver film industry, she is back at it, with camera in hand, ready to shoot!


Thanks for your support!

Monday, November 25, 2013

New Business Cards!

With the development of the new website for BLITZ & shadow Photography, I though a new business card to reflect the web design was in order.

Friday, November 8, 2013

New Typeface for the BLITZ & shadow Website!

BLITZ & shadow Photography has has a minor facelift today!  A new typeface has been chosen for the home page, as well as the main titles for each page within.

Not only that, but a minor glitch on the CONTACT page had come to my attention and and has been sorted!  (the email had been removed somehow, and it has now been reset)  Please feel free to make CONTACT now!



Thursday, October 3, 2013

Subpages Added and a Mobile Website Now Available!

I'm sure many of you experienced a veeeeeeery slooooooooooooooow loading process for the images on the BLITZ & shadow Photography website.  I have spent countless hours creating subpages within the 3 separate categories, ARTWORK, GALLERY and WORK(ART).  Now within these you will find a link to individual pages containing category images.

Also in news, the mobile device website has been created and re-worked to conform to the layout of the website.  Now you can take BLITZ & shadow Photography with you anywhere you go!

Thanks for always looking!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Strange Faces" - a new work in progress

Please follow the link below to view the new collection of photographs showcasing the expressions of inanimate objects.

"Strange Faces"

Enjoy!!!  :D

Friday, September 6, 2013

Vancouver Scooter Rally Long Weekend 2013

This past weekend hosted 2 amazing scooter rallies in Vancouver, BC.  BLITZ & shadow Photography attended (and rode in...  lady with the red helmet on the silver small frame Vespa) a day at both of them and the images procured were added to a wonderful video compiled by Inga Angermann.

Please follow the link below to Vimeo:

Vancouver Scooter Rallies Video

Was an awesome weekend!  Thanks to all that made it happen!!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

More Photo Groupings on the GALLERY page!

2 more groups have been added to the BLITZ & shadow Photography website on the GALLERY page:

~ Black & White
~ Food & Drink

I will always add more to these groupings, so please check back often!

Thank you!!!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lots of New Uploads to BLITZ & shadow Photography Website!

BLITZ & shadow Photography is happy to share countless new photos with the world!

There are many new groupings within the GALLERY section:  Architecture & Design, Reflection, Sculpture & Statues, Street Art, Flora & Fauna and Square².

As well as a new series added to the ARTWORK section titled "Vanitas" featuring a very beautiful friend of mine.

Please go and get lost in a world full of eye candy.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Instagram & DEA†H...

I has been some time since I have made a blog entry, but much has happened.  In short, here is a list of events:

~ "PRIMA OBSCURA" was installed on July 4th and opened to the public July 5th.  It is currently still up for view at Volume Studio Gallery on Bute @ Davie St. in Vancouver BC.  One of the images has already sold, much to my pleasure.

~ BsP has joined INSTAGRAM finally.  You can follow the link on the website to my account or search for _devi_doll_ .

~ Another collections of images is slowly being added to the "ARTWORK" page.  The title of this open ended series is "DEA†H" and it is inspired by all that is of the macabre.  Whether it is animate or inanimate, decaying, falling to ruin, ghostly, grim or symbolic of death and decay, you will find it here in the most artistic form.

For now, I am working toward adding all 50+ images to DEA†H, so please check back often for new uploads!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

"Prima Obscura" will be exhibited in Vancouver, BC Canada July 5th, 2013!!!

For the first time in Canada, the 22, b&w portrait series "Prima Obscura" will be on display in Vancouver BC at the Volume Gallery Studio located at 1209 Bute St.

This is very exciting news!  Please take the time to view the images between July 5th and August 1st.  Follow the link below to the "NEWS" page of the website for more information.

BLITZ & shadow Photography

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Next step... PRINTING!!!

The "Prima Obscura" portrait photography series has been printed today!!!  Frames and matting have also been sourced and purchased!  It's all coming together!!!

BLITZ & shadow Photography

Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Photographic Documentation of the Human Condition...

"Prima Obscura" portrait series is complete!  Please follow the link below to view the final title, "The Minimalist".

BLITZ & shadow Photography

Friday, April 26, 2013

More live shots!!!

New uploads to the "WORK" page of BLITZ & shadow Photography!!!

This round features:

~ Bloodygrave & die Lust! (Berlin)
~ Lebanon Hanover (UK/Switzerland)
~ Sally Dige (Vancouver, BC Canada)
~ KaS Product (France)

I hope you enjoy!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

2 new images added to "Prima Obscura"

I have recently completed 2 new portraits for the collection "Prima Obscura".  One is titled "Antiquity" and the other is "The Dandy".  ONE MORE LEFT and the oracle is complete!

Both are visible on my website BLITZ & shadow Photography.

Also, I will announce so very exciting news about the collection soon!  Please follow for details!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New "WORK" page added to the website!

A new page dedicated to all work related, contracted photographic jobs.  Bands and fashion and documentation! OH MY!

BLITZ & shadow Photography

Monday, April 15, 2013

"At Rest" series

BLITZ & shadow Photography website has a few new upload including the "At Rest" series!  Please vist the page to view the new photographs!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Finally!!! A Website!

On April 6th, 2013, I launched my new website for BLITZ & shadow Photography.  I took me about 3 days to build, and is still being added to, but please follow me there as well as here and on Facebook.