Broken Puppe

Broken Puppe

Don't Label Me!!!

art (23) bands (3) Berlin (10) black and white (18) concerts (3) death (7) decay (6) edwardian (2) fashion (8) filters (2) Flickr (6) head shots (8) Japan (1) lambretta (1) life (14) London (3) memento mori (11) music (1) opinions (1) photography (27) promo (4) rally (1) scooter (1) series (15) spirituality (8) travel (5) vespa (1) video (1) work (7)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lots of New Uploads to BLITZ & shadow Photography Website!

BLITZ & shadow Photography is happy to share countless new photos with the world!

There are many new groupings within the GALLERY section:  Architecture & Design, Reflection, Sculpture & Statues, Street Art, Flora & Fauna and Square².

As well as a new series added to the ARTWORK section titled "Vanitas" featuring a very beautiful friend of mine.

Please go and get lost in a world full of eye candy.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Instagram & DEA†H...

I has been some time since I have made a blog entry, but much has happened.  In short, here is a list of events:

~ "PRIMA OBSCURA" was installed on July 4th and opened to the public July 5th.  It is currently still up for view at Volume Studio Gallery on Bute @ Davie St. in Vancouver BC.  One of the images has already sold, much to my pleasure.

~ BsP has joined INSTAGRAM finally.  You can follow the link on the website to my account or search for _devi_doll_ .

~ Another collections of images is slowly being added to the "ARTWORK" page.  The title of this open ended series is "DEA†H" and it is inspired by all that is of the macabre.  Whether it is animate or inanimate, decaying, falling to ruin, ghostly, grim or symbolic of death and decay, you will find it here in the most artistic form.

For now, I am working toward adding all 50+ images to DEA†H, so please check back often for new uploads!