Broken Puppe

Broken Puppe

Don't Label Me!!!

art (23) bands (3) Berlin (10) black and white (18) concerts (3) death (7) decay (6) edwardian (2) fashion (8) filters (2) Flickr (6) head shots (8) Japan (1) lambretta (1) life (14) London (3) memento mori (11) music (1) opinions (1) photography (27) promo (4) rally (1) scooter (1) series (15) spirituality (8) travel (5) vespa (1) video (1) work (7)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


is in the eye of the beholder"...

... is actually a paraphrase of a statement from Plato's "Symposium" dated c. 385–380 BCE:
"Remember how in that communion only, beholding beauty with the eye of the mind, he will be enabled to bring forth, not images of beauty, but realities (for he has hold not of an image but of a reality), and bringing forth and nourishing true virtue to become the friend of God and be immortal, if mortal man may."
We can't all agree on what is beautiful, what is hideous, what is art, what is rubbish...  an argument that has seen no end, and likely never will.  Some art is outstanding, while other art is mediocre.  That's what makes *us* special, makes us *individual*.  We all bring to works of art different life experiences, this is how we extract meaning from them.  This is what makes art so wonderful.  The artist obviously has their own intent, but this can grow, morph and flux into so many other ideas because of what the viewer brings to it.  Of course we can't love it all.  I certainly have my sometimes snobbish and narrow-minded opinions of art, but to each their own, I say.

Just because 2 blogs already weren't enough work, I thought I'd try a third!  Even though the other two also feature plenty of examples of my photography:

Es ist Berlin, daß ich liebe!!!

Vintage Vamp Clothier (with the help of Visual Sanctum Photography)

"BLITZ & shadow", my project/company pipe-dream, will be my primary outlet for exposing my ever growing love of capturing images in a hand-held, mechanical box.

I hope you find some enjoyment here.  Stay tuned...  photos to follow.


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