Broken Puppe

Broken Puppe

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Cognizance - Japan 2007

In 2007, I was going through some major life changes, contemplations and reflections.  I did a lot of critical, internal judging and viewing, and through this I discovered that I had not been very true to myself for many years...  and that was about to change for the good.  Where better to start this new self-awareness but in Japan?

I began with two months of Japanese language lessons, copious amounts of research about Japanese customs and sewing a Haori to bring along.

I went alone.  After travelling for close to 26 hours by plane, finding out I was sold the wrong train ticket, in Canada, to get from Osaka to Kyoto, having the president of Panasonic Tokyo witness my troubles, get me on the right train and then walk me to my ryokan (traditional Japanese B&B) in Kyoto, and falling into a blissful slumber of 15 hours, I woke up to a gloriously, sunny day in Kyoto, minutes away from the Geisha District of Gion.

My travels also included Tokyo, Mt. Hakone, Kamakura, Kawagoe, Mt. Fuji, Hiroshima, Miyajima Isle, Nara and Iga Ueno.

This time of new self manifestation is documented here.  I hope you can find some pleasure in these images.

Creative Commons License
Cognizance by BLITZ & shadow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.  If you would like to use my photos for something, please use my 'view my complete profile' link to 'contact me' via email.








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