Broken Puppe

Broken Puppe

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Dead Shall Rise - Mexico City 2010

To be honest, Mexico was never high on my list of places to visit...  the heat, the sun, the water, the heat, my fragile stomach, the heat...  did I mention the heat?

However, 4 years ago in Germany of all places, I met two amazing people from Mexico City.  Every year we would meet at the same place in Leipzig for a music festival, and every time they would tell me to come and visit.  Finally in 2010 I had the chance of a lifetime.  I not only had money, but I was between contracts, it was October and Dia de los Muertos was fast approaching.  Going to Mexico for Day of the Dead is like going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras...  kinda the best and only time you *should* go if you truly want to experience the culture at it's finest.

Dia de los Muertos was unlike any other experience I have had traveling.  The spiritual nuances filled the atmosphere with a vibrating electricity.  The vivid colours were a constant assault to your eyes and the delicate scent of flowers and incense lingered enticingly on the air.  It's a time of reflection and remembrance.  My dear uncle had passed away the year before so I took this opportunity to honour him at Mixquic Cemetery with a traditional Day of the Dead ritual ceremony, with the help of my friends.

The best blessing of course was that my friends in Mexico City were the perfect local tour guides a girl could have dreamed of!  If I were alone there was no way I would have experienced the wonderful things I did.

Creative Commons License
The Dead Shall Rise by BLITZ & shadow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.  If you would like to use my photos for something, please use my 'view my complete profile' link to 'contact me' via email.


  1. I know I have seen these photos before; but they are amazing. What a place and celebration. You were lucky to have local friends as guides.
    Love Mom
