Broken Puppe

Broken Puppe

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Hallowed - England 2008 - 2010

The first time I visited the UK I was 18 years old.  It was a graduation gift from my parents, and it is an experience that has been branded into my memory until the end of time.  I wouldn't say it had any profound impact on my life at the time, I was only 18 of course, but I would say that it wetted my appetite more travelling in the future.

The next time I set foot on English soil was 5 years later.  This time I was affected spiritually, but again, I was 23 and looking to party in London, Liverpool and Manchester, with the occasional trip to a cemetery (how very goth) and more importantly, Stonehenge.  At this time, England was to be my future home.

Skip ahead another 10 years and you find me again in the UK.  Older, more mature, more money, not just here for a good time, but here to experience culture.  From Highgate Cemetery to the Glastonbury Abbey, from the Chalice Well to the Tor on the hill.  For the next 4 years in a row I pay a yearly visit to England, and in this blog post you will find a few of my impressions.

Creative Commons License
Hallowed by BLITZ & shadow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.  If you would like to use my photos for something, please use my 'view my complete profile' link to 'contact me' via emai.


The mists of Avalon...



  1. I have so many amazing memories of Glastonbury Tor from my childhood. A truly magical place.

    1. I envy you for having been raised there for reasons such as these. Unfortunately these images could never capture the feelings and electric energy of Avalon. Thanks for taking the time to look and comment. :)

  2. Makes me what to go back to England! Love Mom

    1. I think you should. Maybe we can go together. :)
